2013 Board and Officer Candidate Statements
As previously advised, the composition of the Board is going to change in the New Year; elections will be held in January to replace the two board members that will step down in March. One, Margaret Craig-Schmidt has served with distinction two consecutive terms and so is not eligible for re-election, and the other Richard Bazinet, having only served one term, is eligible and is standing for re-election. Candidate statements from the five candidates standing for these two positions have been posted below this article. Please take time to read these carefully, all candidates, without exception, are very well qualified to contribute significantly to your Board. It is intended that voting will take place by electronic ballot at the end of January 2013, you will be informed closer to the time of the exact procedure. In the meantime best of luck to all candidates. At the same time two positions, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer, become vacant on the Executive Committee of the Society. Peter Clough and Seth Baum having completed their first terms of office in these positions. Both are eligible to stand for re-election and both have agreed to do so. Their candidate statements are also posted below. In both cases no other candidates have been nominated for these positions.
Board of Directors Candidates' Statements: • Barbara Meyer • Marius Smuts • Richard Bazinet • Chris Ramsden • Trevor Mori
Executive Officer Candidates' Statements: • Peter Clough - Honorary Secretary • Seth Baum - Honorary Treasurer (Coming Soon)