3. Intake of PUFA in Healthy AdultsThe third statement deals with recommendations for adults, and is specifically aimed at maintenance of a healthy cardiovascular system. It can be viewed as a PDF in its entirety by clicking here . The text below is the statement approved by the Board of ISSFAL at its June 2004 meeting in Brighton. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR INTAKE OF (Revised in accordance with the recommended changes agreed by Background :At the July 2003 meeting of the ISSFAL Executive Committee, it was agreed that a sub-committee be established to : ‘Write a statement that provides recommendations on the intake of different polyunsaturated fatty acids, along with a brief rationale with respect to each fatty acid as it applied to the healthy adult population. The subcommittee may consider statements from other bodies but may derive its own if felt appropriate. This is to be done in time to enable final agreement to be reached at the Brighton 2004 meeting of the Society.’ The Executive Committee appointed Stephen Cunnane to chair the subcommittee and Christian Drevon, Art Spector, Andy Sinclair and Bill Harris to be the other members. SUMMARY OF THE REPORT A. Specific recommendations about the intake of polyunsaturates (PUFA): 1. An adequate linoleic acid (LA) intake : 2 energy % 2. A healthy intake of a-linolenic acid (ALA): 0.7 energy % 3. For cardiovascular health, a minimum intake of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) combined, of: 500 mg/d. B. A recognition that there may be a healthy upper limit to the intake of LA C. References and supplementary notes, which are included at the end of the report.